These precious little grandchidren of Jane Pat, all had matching t-shirts for Christmas. The newest addition, Matthew, got his fair share of attention with all the girls around him! Merry Christmas to all!!
Adelyn turned 2 this fall and she loves Minnie Mouse. She wore a 2 Stitches little dress with Minnie Mouse appliqued on the front. She also had some Minnie mouse panties to match! Quite the Minnie Mouse Princess for her big day!!
Jane and Lynn share a love for sewing, monogramming and creating new designs. We both have entered into new chapters in our lives. Actually two new chapters, the empty nest syndrome and the grand, best ever club called "Grandmothers". We have a new interest in children`s clothes with these babies being here in our lives and are enjoying creating bibs, t-shirts, little girl dresses and anything that can be monogrammed. We are still learning about our new commercial monogram machine. Even with the headaches that come from the unknown about it, we are having a great time. We look forward to the future, spending time with our new grandchildren and families and learning more about our machine as we continue to make new things daily. We thank our husbands who had faith in us as we were talking about this venture, and have supported us from the beginning...